Cal State Monterey Bay Logo Update
Updated Cal State Monterey Bay Logo as part of our new messaging campaign deliverables.
The Old Brandmark was showing it's age and needed refreshing.

Our CSUMB Logotype has been in desperate need of updating. We took the opportunity to do this as part of our new messaging campaign deliverables.
I updated the type, added a tagline, and did a much needed refresh of our otter brandmark so it reproduces better on newsprint and online. Our old logo has traditionally been hard to reproduce at small sizes due to the weight of the type and the proximity of the university seal rings to each other, which causes them to trap ink and blend into each other at small web & print sizes.
In addition to the main Logo, we also developed several approved reduced versions for a variety of uses and formats.
I updated the type, added a tagline, and did a much needed refresh of our otter brandmark so it reproduces better on newsprint and online. Our old logo has traditionally been hard to reproduce at small sizes due to the weight of the type and the proximity of the university seal rings to each other, which causes them to trap ink and blend into each other at small web & print sizes.
In addition to the main Logo, we also developed several approved reduced versions for a variety of uses and formats.
The old and new brandmarks superimposed below to show the changes to typography & iconography.

New Brandmark, with minimum and safe space guides.

Several approved variations were also developed to add flexibility.